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Role of Advanced AC Testing LIMS

Enterprises in the HVAC testing domain are increasingly turning to Advanced AC Testing LIMS to meet these challenges head-on. Our LIMS solution is meticulously designed to encompass critical aspects of the testing lifecycle, from Sample Registration to Result Upload. It automates workflows, enhances data accuracy, and expedites processes, ensuring not only compliance with stringent industry standards but also efficiency in operations.

Key Benefits

LSRF/Work Order Generation:

Generate LSRF/Work orders seamlessly, eliminating manual creation. The system allows single or multiple sample additions for one customer, with options for multiple work orders for one LSRF.

Automated Worksheet/Job Card:

No more manual worksheet or job card creation. LIMS effortlessly prints worksheets or job cards based on work order data.

Multi-Level Work Order Approval:

Enable up to four level approvals for work orders, involving Project Manager, CSO, Technical Manager, and Lab HOD. Each approval can either approve or reject the work order, progressing or regressing the workflow accordingly.

Auto Scheduler:

Simplify technician scheduling with the auto scheduler. A few clicks align technicians with the right lab, awaiting manager approval. The tool considers lab availability and job priority during scheduling, eradicating manual efforts.

Result Upload for Psychometric Lab:

Effortlessly upload psychometric lab results through Excel, displaying complex data in an organized manner. The system retains relevant data for tests, covering Cooling Capacity, Max Operating, and tests for Split AC, Window AC, and Inverter AC.

Re-Issue Certificate:

Issued certificates can be edited with Lab Head permission, facilitating re-issuance with new ULR/Certificate numbers.

Multi-Template Support:

Our AC LIMS supports multiple templates, allowing configuration for each test. It offers multi-certificate configuration for various tests like Cooling Capacity, Max Operating, Noise Test, Vibration Test, Push & Pull test, etc.

Automated Numbering:

Bid farewell to manual numbering for Work Orders, Lab Service Requests, Instrument Numbers, ULR Numbers, and Certificate Numbers. Configurable number formats ensure seamless continuation based on the configuration.

Multi-Level Result Approval:

Facilitate up to three levels of approval for final certificates, involving CSO, Technical Manager, and Lab HOD. Each approval pushes one step closer to report publishing, while rejections move a step back.

Lab Calendar:

Visualize lab occupancy based on scheduled jobs. The calendar indicates lab availability for dates and shifts, optimizing lab utilization up to 100%.