Beyond Barrels: Revolutionizing
Oil & Fuel Management

FQMS – Fuel Quality Monitoring System
  • Labsols Fuel Quality Monitoring System (FQMS) is web tool to monitor all work requests for performing various Fuel Quality Monitoring programs organized by companies supporting a wide range of organizations & businesses, from governments to private transportation fleets.
  • An integrated web solution to facilitate customers & labs to interact with each other under a common interface
  • Work Request for a oil sample is submitted by the customer or lab on behalf of the customer to proceed with testing of it based on selected test analysis or packaged chosen.
  • FQMS monitors the life cycle of Sample starting from New Order -> Drawn -> Dispatched -> Lab Received -> Interim ->Authorised /Cancelled
  • FQMS is a web application tool to keep customers updated about the status of their sample & with Interim & Final Reports during & after completion of testing.

Beyond Barrels: Revolutionizing
Oil & Fuel Management

STARS – Sample Tracking & Reporting System
  • - Labsols STARS (Sample Tracking & Reporting System) is a simple, web based interface which facilitates team working with minimal administration & no additional software installation required.
  • A web solution where a new user can setup in 5 mins with no additional costs.
  • Customers are an integral part of the system & has the facility to manage the level of access to users.
  • STARS monitors the life cycle of a Sample starting from New Order -> Dispatched -> Lab Received -> Test In Progress -> Authorised/Cancelled
  • STARS has a direct linkage with LIMS where it gets the feed for the sample information and all interim & final reports for the availability of customers
  • Customer requests the sample, Sampler collects the sample & dispatches it, Laboratory logs the samples in LIMS after receiving.
  • Manage Orders for Samples' Testing submitted by Customers or Lab on behalf of customers.

Beyond Barrels: Revolutionizing
Oil & Fuel Management

FOBAS - Fuel Oil Bunkering Analysis and Advisory Service
  • Labsols FOBAS provides a comprehensive fuel testing programme to marine clients worldwide which is backed up by strategically located laboratories and technical fuel consultants with extensive engineering experience.
  • A web interface which enables easy & quick regular fuel sampling, analysis and quality assessment which can help the client determine that their fuel is within specified limits, satisfactory for safe use and unlikely to cause operational problems or damage to a ship’s machinery
  • One stop solution with secured login accessed only by using a browser, to facilitate a 12-level Role Management system to different level of system usage world-wide from anywhere.
  • A comprehensive Bunker Quantity Survey Service (BQS) to its clients with access to surveyors, in many worldwide ports, who can attend throughout the bunkering operation.
  • Low maintenance cost application that helps to manage Marine fuel testing which is of significant cost for ship operators.

Beyond Barrels: Revolutionizing
Oil & Fuel Management


Oil Condition Monitoring (OCM) testing programs help client's measure engine oils, lubricating oils; an OCM service gives you an ongoing programme of sampling, analysis and reporting. It provides the information you need to pinpoint and solve equipment problems as well as implement a more effective maintenance system. OCM services protect client's high value engines and systems and reduce expensive downtime.

Oil analysis testing labs analyze a wide range of oil based products. Supporting client oil condition and predictive maintenance programs, oil tests are performed to ASTM, ISO, IEC, IP, in-house, client, and other industry standards. OCM labs offer detailed oil and lube testing results, presented in easy-to-read and understandable reports.

LabSols offers iOCM Solution for Oil & Petroleum industries. Operating on a global basis, LabSols 's "iOCM Reporting and Analytics" present in an easy-to-read and understandable report of oil and lube test results. It provide a series of excellent reports and graphical analytics of the oil samples which accurately tested from the OCM laboratories using spectrometry, viscosity, dilution, water detection, acid number, base number, particle counting, and microscopy.